International Conference on Service Oriented Computing

Workshops/PhD Symposium Program (Monday 3, 2014)

Time slot PhD Symposium CCSA- Cloud Computing and Scientific Applications KASA - Knowledge Aware Service Oriented Applications RMSOC - Resource Management in Service- Oriented Computing FOR-MOVES - FORmal MOdeling and VerificAtion of Service-based systems
SeMaPS - Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems
ISC - Intelligent Service Clouds WESOA - Engineering Service-Oriented Applications
Room 707 707 709 711 709 401 403
09:00 - 10:30 Keynote and Web Service QoS Knowledge-aware Business Process Management Opening and Keynote 1 Opening and Keynote
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Cloud and Workflow/Business Process Knowledge-aware Service Management Resource Modeling and Discovery in Business Processes Research Papers
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Session I Keynote 2 Services and Cloud Session I Research Papers & Discussion
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00 Session II Resource Optimization in Business Processes Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems Session II
17:00 - 17:30 Break
17:30 - 18:30 Session III

PhD Symposium - Session I

MobiDisc: Semantic Web Service Discovery Approach in Mobile Environments
Ben Njima, Cheyma

Making Web Services Selection more Customized A Fuzzy-Logic-Theory-Based Approach
Chouiref, Zahira

A Description-based Service Search System
Caicedo-Castro, Isaac Bernardo
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PhD Symposium - Session II

(Keynote) Three research perspectives on service-oriented computing
Mendling, Jan

Monitoring and Checking Privacy Policies of Cloud Services based on Models
Schmieders, Eric

Dynamic QoS Requirement Aware Service Composition and Adaptation
Tripathy Ajaya, Kumar
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PhD Symposium - Session III

Dynamic Composite Web Service Execution by Providing Fault-tolerance and QoS monitoring
Angarita, Rafael

Service Map: A Service Hierarchy for Satisfying User's Requirement of Multiple Granularities
Du, Chu
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CCSA Session 1: Keynote and Web Service QoS


An Incremental Tensor Factorization Approach for Web Service QoS Prediction
Zhang, Wancai

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CCSA Session 2: Cloud and Workflow/Business Process

Vertical Scaling with OpenStack - Capabilites of Gust Operation Systems, Hypervisors, and the Cloud Management Platform
Turowski, Marian; Lenk, Alexander

Exploiting the Parallel Execution of Homology Workflow Variants in HPC Compute Clouds
Ocana, Kary; de Oliveira, Daniel; Silva, Vitor; Benza, Silvia; Mattoso, Marta

A Validation Method of Configurable Business Processes Based on Data-flow
Yiwang, Huang

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KASA Session 1: Knowledge-aware Business Process Management

Discovering and Categorizing Goal Alignments from Mined Process Variants
Ponnalagu, Karthikeyan; Ghose, Aditya; Narendra, Nanjangud C.; Dam, Hoa Khanh

Supporting Enterprise Changes Using Actor Performance Assessment
Jabloun, Marwen; Sayeb, Yemna; Ben Ghezala, Henda; Gaaloul, Khaled

Reasoning on Incomplete Execution Traces using Action Languages - A first report (SHORT)
Di Francescomarino, Chiara; Ghidini, Chiara; Tessaris, Sergio; Vazquez Sandoval Itzel
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KASA Session 2: Knowledge-aware Service Management

Towards a Framework for Semantically-enabled Compliance Management in Financial Services
Elgammal, Amal; Butler, Tom

A Planning-Based Service Composition Approach for Data-Centric Workflows
Lopez-Enriquez, Carlos-Manuel; Cuevas-Vicenttin, Victor; Vargas-Solar, Genoveva; Collet, Christine; Zechinelli-Martini, Jose-Luis

Semantic Web Services Approach For Collaboration In E-Gov Context (SHORT)
Latrache, Amal; Nfaoui, El habib; Boumhidi, Jaouad
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RMSOC Session 1: Opening and Keynote 1

Keynote 1: The Role of Resources in Service-Dominant Business Design
Grefen, Paul
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RMSOC Session 2: Resource Modeling and Discovery in Business Processes

BPM supported Privacy by Design for Cross Organization Business Processes
Stevovic, Jovan; Sottovia, Paolo; Marchese, Maurizio; Armellin, Giampaolo

Resource-Aware Process Model Similarity Matching
Baumann, Michaela; Baumann, Michael Heinrich; Schonig, Stefan; Jablonski, Stefan

Supporting Rule-based Process Mining by User-Guided Discovery of Resource-Aware Frequent Patterns
Schonig, Stefan; Gillitzer, Florian; Zeising, Michael; Jablonski, Stefan

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RMSOC Session 3: Keynote 2

Keynote 2: Internet of Things, People, and Processes
Dustdar, Schahram
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RMSOC Session 4: Resource Modeling and Discovery in Business Processes

Learning "Good Quality" Resource Allocations from Historical Data
Sindhgatta, Renuka; Ghose, Aditya; Dasgupta, Gaargi Banerjee

Optimizing Resource Utilization by Combining Running Business Process Instances
Natschlager, Christine; Bogl, Andreas; Geist, Verena

Discussion and Closure

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FOR-MOVE Session: Services and Cloud

Parameterized Automata Simulation and Application to Service Composition
Belkhir, Walid; Chevalier, Yannick; Rusinowitch, Michael

Optimal Virtual Machine Placement in Multi-Tenant Cloud
Teyeb, Hana; Balma, Ali; Ben Hadj-Alouane; Nejib Tata; Samir
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SeMaPS Session: Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems

Developing Service Platform for Web Context-Aware Services Towards Self-Managing Ecosystem
Takatsuka, Hiroki; Saiki, Sachio; Matsumoto, Shinsuke; Nakamura, Masahide

Retrieving Sensors data in Smart Buildings through Services: a similarity algorithm
Foglieni, Claudia; Mazuran, Mirjana; Meroni, Giovanni Plebani, Pierluigi

User State Monitoring System on Android Smart Phones
Wang, Xun; Zhang, Weishan
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ISC Session I

Keynote: Smart Manufacturing Clouds
Prof. Mike P. Papazoglou

Domain Specific Monitoring of Business Processes Using Concept Probes
Mos, Adrian
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ISC Session II

Contextualised security operation deployment through MDS@run.time architecture
Ouedraogo, Wendpanga Francis; Biennier, Frederique; Merle, Philippe

A Non-Parametric Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Cloud Services Evaluation
Xu, Chunxiang; Ma, Yupeng; Wang, Xiaobo

Towards a Model for Resource Allocation in API Value Networks
Houghton, James; Siegel, Michael; Vukovic, Maja

Using COBIT 5 for Risk to Develop Cloud Computing SLA Evaluation Templates
Illoh, Onyeka; Aghili, Shaun; Butakov, Sergey
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WESOA Session 1: Opening and Keynote

Welcome and Introduction
Chairs of WESOA

Keynote : Building custom applications using Unicorn Universe services
Kokorceny, Michal
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WESOA Session 2: Research Papers

Virtualizing Communication for Hybrid and Diversity-Aware Collective Adaptive Systems
Zeppezauer, Philipp; Scekic, Ognjen; Truong, Hong-Linh; Dustdar, Schahram

MoDAS: Methodology and Tool for Model-Driven Adaptable Services
Ortiz, Guadalupe; Peinado, Sonia; Garcia de Prado, Alfonso

Service Interface Synthesis in Business Networks
Wei, Fuguo; Barros, Alistair; Ouyang, Chun
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WESOA Session 3: Research Papers & Discussion

GovOps: The Missing Link for Governance in Software-defined IoT Cloud Systems
Nastic, Stefan; Inzinger, Christian; Truong, Hong-Linh; Dustdar, Schahram

Cloud Migration Patterns: A Multi-Cloud Service Architecture Perspective
Jamshidi, Pooyan; Pahl, Claus; Chinenyeze, Samuel; Liu, Xiaodong

Wrap Up and Discussion

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